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3 Roofing Materials to Avoid Like the Plague
When it comes to roofing materials that people should have avoided like the plague—we’ve seen it all, right down to tarp-covered roofs on unfinished and botched roofing jobs.
To help save you from learning the hard way and installing one of the below roofing materials below that should be avoided like the plague—we’ve created this handy-dandy list of roofing material ‘don’t’.
Asphalt Roll
Don’t let the name fool you, an asphalt roll is not the same as asphalt shingles. Asphalt rolls are designed for sheds, dog houses and other small, relatively-unimportant buildings around your property. They simply roll on and can be easily nailed down, but since they aren’t laid individually they aren’t suited for roofs that need carefully-laid shingles in order to protect your roof and home.
Whatever you do, do not ever use an asphalt roll for your home’s roof.
Clay Roofing Tiles
Clay roofing materials can give homes that classic Spanish or Mexican super-exotic look. This however is a bit of a silly concept in The Great White North, however many homeowners would love to have a clay / terra cotta roof to match their stucco’d home. The good news is, this IS possible—if you buy specially-formulated clay tiles that are designed for cold weather (like ASTM Grade 1 tiles). Without a special cold-weather grading however they will crack and fall off your roof, and your roof won’t properly retain the heat it needs to keep your winter heating costs down. So, if you decide to opt for stylish clay roofing tiles be 100% positive that they are rated for cold Newmarket winters.
Note: be aware, that even with winter-rated clay tiles, clay tiles will still require a decent amount of maintenance and upkeep—so be sure that you’re prepared and dedicated to these gorgeous roofs.
Rubber Roofing Membrane
Roofing membranes are rubbery substances that can be applied on either high- or low-slope roof tops. The rubber coating they provide holds up extremely well to even the harshest weather—making this a popular material for weather-proofing roofs as it is also quite affordable.
It is however a roofing material to be used on commercial buildings—and not on residential roofing. Rubber roofing membranes are not made for residential-style roofing, will not properly manage your home’s heat and moisture—and will decrease the overall value and aesthetics of your home.
So—the evil three residential roofing materials to avoid are rubber membranes, clay tiles that aren’t rated for our frigidly-cold winters—and asphalt rolls (which aren’t to be confused with asphalt shingles).
For recommendations on what roofing materials are great options for your home—call the Dillon Bros today.